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A City Law Firm Ltd in London: We strive for innovation and have a proven track record of client satisfaction that stems from a personal approach ..."< div> The staff page of A City Law Firm shows Karen Holden qualified in 2005, Janette Johnston in 2008, Jacqueline Watts in 2013, and so on. c...

ACSL Solicitors Ltd in Liverpool: class="infoquote "We use plain and simple English - so you know exactly what is happening and why."< div> This statement is taken from the website of ACSL solicitors in Liverpool but it could be from any firm's website really. class="infoquote "Wheneve...

Amy King Legal - Personal Injury & Litigation Solicitor in Gillingham, Kent: Because these days are so different and still changing. Solicitors no longer need to work for a brand local to them. We've covered the legal industry for over twenty years now. It's a great resource to bear in mind. But definitely, make sure the person you're hiring ...

Backhouse Solicitors in Chelmsford, Essex: Always check you're on the correct site and don't be afraid to call the official number you have for the firm if anything sounds even slightly suspicious. That certainly seemed to be true in the early days, but sadly Google's unchallenged buyout of the internet has cau...

Scotland Injury Solicitors from Baker Hardman Ltd in Glasgow: The official main site is but the .com version does not redirect you there. So when a firm states you have 'direct access to your solicitor', that's actually a useful thing to note. class="infoquote "we bring together a wealth of industry-speci...

Brian Barr Solicitors Ltd Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia Compensation in Manchester: However some firms are better at client testimonials than others. Google has been moving towards a more local setup for reviews though, so sometimes you have to enter the location of the company as well as the name - e.g. It provides a wealth of information on any of the f...

Brodies LLP Solicitors in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh & Inverness Scotland: Rather than simply showing you all reviews for a company, they may show zero reviews when you first type in the firm's name. class="infoquote "on the ball, communication is second to none" "dealt with everything in a clear, timely and professional manner" "profess...

Buchanan & Co Ltd Solicitors in Staveley, Chesterfield, Kiveton Park & Sheffield: But this is true for most reviews about law firms and is something you should bear in mind when trying to get an overview from review sections. And they talk normal" "easy to get through to my solicitor and they replied to me promptly" "Put him at ease from the word go...

Calio Claims Ltd - Personal Injury in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth & Dundee: Some firms do charge a fee if they win. For example, our article on Lindsays which highlights the differences between a large firm with specialists, and a small specialist firm. class="infoquote "With one of the largest personal injury teams in Scotland, we help peop...

Cook Legal Ltd Law Firm in Wirral, Merseyside: Now you may have to state the location of a company's office to see reviews. class="infoquote "our solicitors in Wirral can provide clear, practical advice and work quickly and efficiently to help you"< div> One thing people may not know about is that for le...

Crockett & Co Family Law Solicitors in Leeds: There is obviously no 150-year-old solicitor working at these firms. They also provide the qualification dates of each law professional registered. But beyond simply specialising, the other thing most people want in their legal representative is experience. Their official we...

Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Ltd - Conveyancing & Legal Services in Chester: We've genuinely never seen another firm do that in the 20+ years we've been writing about the legal industry. Never discuss payments via email. This combined with our impressive depth of knowledge and expertise ensures that we provide a solution focused approach for our clie...

Defank Solicitors in London: Their site is HTTPS secure for submitting your personal details in the contact form. The website of The Law Society of England & Wales has a wealth of data for users to see the trading names, contact addresses, areas of expertise, staff, and more of any firm registered with ...

Dispute Resolver Consultancy - Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR in London: While one may sound easier or more likely to succeed on paper, it may not work best for your particular problem. You can also use an ADR scheme to narrow down the problem before you go to court."< div> For this you would expect that the more experienced an arbitrator i...

CWJ Solicitors & Notaries - Clarkson Wright & Jakes Ltd in Orpington, Kent: If you look up a dozen or so law firms that handle property matters, you'll find most of them have negative comments. So the age of the firm's logo will probably bear no relation on how well they will run your case. No firm will claim to have zero experience though, so how c...

Drummond Miller LLP Solicitors in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bathgate, Musselburgh, Dalkeith & East Kilbride: We can't even link you to a page with information, only https: find-a-solicitor ?Name=drummond+miller&Postcode=&type=firm" to a search results page< a> which at the time of writing was pushing information off the edges of the mobile device. In other wor...

Eatons Solicitors in Bradford, Bingley, Yeadon & Leeds West Yorkshire: It's common for some of the largest, most popular conveyancing firms in the country to have 2 or 3 star average ratings. Sometimes it's just because they received a last minute official-looking email telling them the bank details have changed. So are you at the mercy o...

EDC Lord & Co Solicitors in Southall: There is also a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that addresses common questions and concerns clients may have. A quick note on navigation. The website also features profiles of the firm's lawyers , with detailed biographies and information about their a...

EMD Law LLP Solicitors in Staplehurst & St Leonards-on-Sea: Originally starting under the name Baily Strickland and Bryant, the firm became Baily Bryant & Dumbleton in 2003, then finally EMD Law LLP in 2008. That of a sizeable, high street office with experienced professionals - but not in the old style of solicitors some of us...

England & Derbyshire LLP Solicitors in Guildford and Woking, Surrey: What else can you check up on? Well, most firms make some sort of 'experience' claim. At the moment the main targets in the legal industry are the customers of conveyancing firms. These days, for many services, you don't even need to go to a typical high street solicit...

Eve Lake Conveyancing & Legal Services in Hope Valley: Both of these types should be trained, regulated and insured . class="infoquote "Here at Eve Lake Conveyancing & Legal Services, we also provide home visits on request, outside of office hours visits, including weekend appointments."< div> . Sadly that difference is...

Farah Family Law Solicitors in Birmingham: The law is not something you can think your way around the problem. Because even though they handle multiple areas of law, they technically do have "specialist" solicitors. The reason people like the word "specialist" so much, is it makes them think the firm has - not...

Foster & Coleman Ltd Solicitors in Bromley, Greater London: This can be difficult when looking up comments about law firms though. Foster Coleman do have https: testimonials" a testimonials page< a> on their website with comments such as: class="infoquote "we have a very positive outcome, as compare...

Frei Solicitors Ltd - Luxury Asset Law Firm in London: We know of long established veteran law firms with zero reviews on Google and 1-year startup legal practices with a few dozen comments. class="infoquote "We determine our client’s objectives during the initial meeting, and always work towards our client’s timet...

Girlings Solicitors LLP & Girlings Personal Injury Claims Ltd in Sandwich, Ashford & Canterbury: But they also indicate a solid history, experience, and a sense of real pride in their work. Very rough example, but hopefully makes the point. can provide you with advice and a free initial consultation"< div> Dealing with the first part of that sentence first. Then ...

Goldsmith Bowers Debt Recovery & Litigation Solicitors in Bradford: If you check out https: office 475767 goldsmith-bowers-ltd" the page for any firm< a> they will typically show you any alternate company names used, a list of staff, areas of law practiced, and the qualification dates of solicitors there. For ...

Garden Stirling Burnet Solicitors Ltd in Haddington, Edinburgh, Dunbar, North Berwick & Tranent: Unfortunately, not all firms are very clear about this and there are firms using the word "specialist" despite only have a couple of solicitors on staff but trying to cover a dozen or so case types. Luckily when it comes to property matters, it's normally very easy to tell ...

Guardian Law Ltd - Employment & HR Lawyers in Nottingham: That's a good four decades of combined experience between them. class="infoquote "our specialist employment lawyers can advise and represent you"< div> Today's article is on Guardian Law, an Employment Law specialist based in Nottingham working on the busine...

Harrison's Solicitors - Conveyancing in Reading, Caversham & Woodley: class="infoquote "The transaction will be handled by our qualified conveyancing solicitors from beginning to end."< div> This is also a statement nearly every firm will make but you can actually check up on this one independently. You are not walking into the a...

HCR Legal LLP Solicitors Law Firm incl Medical Accident Group in Worcester, Birmingham & Hereford: While their Cambridge, Cardiff, Cheltenham, London, Reading and Northampton locations cover the more wider areas of law listed on the firm's main site. As you can see they are generally positive. Many firms offer 'testimonials' on their websites. Because on the site it stat...

Heritage Park Family Law Ltd - Barrister Chambers in Ampthill, Bedford: Some may offer a free 15 minute consultation with the person who might handle your case. As you can see on the information page for this firm the main barrister, Lisa Smith, entered the profession in 1994. That should not be held against them as it's simply people are not as...

Horsley Law Solicitors in Stafford aka Horsley Holdings Ltd: The firm is also registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which is great. They are a limited firm and https: consumers register organisation ?sraNumber=629429#headingFirmNames" registered with the SRA< a> (Solicitor Regulation Authority). Th...

Kee Solicitors Ltd in Glasgow & Aberdeen: The Kee one clearly says a solicitor will call you back. Have you ever seen a legal practice saying they are outdated, lacking transparency, and unapproachable? Of course not. class="infoquote "Kee Solicitors from the outset was set up to be a modern, transparent and ...

QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson - Law Firm in Southsea, Portsmouth: That's also how they are displayed on the website of The Law Society of England and Wales which is a resource we are constantly recommending . Each firm also typically changes their own website to redirect to a profile section on the main https: wiki Qual...

LS Legal Solicitors Ltd: class="infoquote "Our objective is to provide high quality legal advice through a professionally managed legal practice"< div> Although LS Legal displays several statements about handling a 'wide range' of cases, if you look closer you'll see many areas of law ...

Lyons Solicitors - Law Firm in Kingswood, Westbury-on-Trym & Chew Magna (Bristol): But since there are no firms claiming the opposite (i.e. The quote above is from the https: site contact " Lyons Solicitors< a> website and while words like 'established' and 'progressive' sound great, do you know what they actually mean when it ...

Mark Croft Driving Offence Solicitor in Derby: However, if you see phrasing such as '20 years of combined experience' or '20 years of experience within the firm' - that means they've added up the experience of all staff members together. Another is the more useless of claims (in our opinion) such as 'establish...

Marsden Rawsthorn Solicitors Ltd in Preston & Chorley: Google has changed how it displays information about firms. That's not something a company will often post on their own site. We are committed to getting the right results for you, for the right fee whilst providing you with a quality service."< div> That's the opening...

McCarthy + Co LLP Solicitors in Dublin, Cork & Clonakilty: But searches for variations of the firm's name on it's own will provide no local business information. If they have won an award for 'best logo design', we don't think that really counts towards them being a decent legal practice. This is especially important since the firm ...

SG Murphy & Co Ltd - Solicitors in Newtownabbey, Belfast: At this point if you've been searching for legal services for a few hours already you may be starting to think that they all sound the same. So what are the independent forums saying? class="infoquote "well-versed in the property market" "I was kept informed through...

Nero Legal Solicitors Conveyancing Law Firm in Glasgow, Scotland: The sales language can get repetitive too. Some firms offer Blog sections that often contain legal news (which typically is of no use to actual clients). Sometimes simply on the basis of one email telling them the bank details had changed. Which is quite striking because whe...

MPG Quantity Surveyors Ltd in London - Chartered Surveyors for Construction Dispute Arbitration: It not only provides greater insight into the process itself, but also highlights where you might be able to save time and money using a service such as MPG over hiring a law firm to litigate straight away. Often testimonials supplied by the firm are not taken as seriously a...

Nicholson Jones Sutton Solicitors in Macclesfield: Can you find out? class="infoquote "At Nicholson Jones Sutton Solicitors we have a professional and dedicated legal team focused on help in the following key areas: Contentious Probate, Housing Disrepair Claims, Personal Injury and Medical Negligence."< div> O...

Oakwood Solicitors Ltd & Oakwood Property Solicitors in Leeds: We should make a quick note on navigation. Modern technology has brought services from across the UK to our fingertips. But unfortunately when the only shop window into the company is their website you don't get the same instant useful impression that comes from actually ste...

PCS Legal Ltd Conveyancing Solicitors in Basildon, Ongar, Wickford, London, Rayleigh &Harlow: Especially when it comes to property matters where one side is usually unhappy. class="infoquote "We are committed to ensuring all our clients receive the highest possible standard of advice and service in relation to their house sale or purchase, Remortgage, Equity ...

Sarah Rostamlou-Andrews Law - Landlord / Tenant Eviction Dispute Solicitor in Southport, Lancashire: There's always a debate between using a large vs small firm for some legal matters. My aim is to provide clear, practical, timely advice and services to my clients at a fair price."< div> Most companies will state their goal is to have satisfied clients . Google has c...

Solidaire Solicitors - Solidaire Law Ltd in Milton Keynes: If you check out https: organisation people 33660 solidaire-law-limited?Solicitors=True" the page for Solidaire< a> you'll see their two main solicitors qualified in 2001 and 2015 respectively. Certainly, I can't imagine any firm statin...

Sternberg Reed LLP Solicitors with Offices in Romford, Barking & Grays: So what are prior customers saying? class="infoquote "couldn't speak highly enough of the service, professionalism and compassion" "got us a better outcome than we’d endeavoured" "professional and reassuring from start to finish"< div> Those are a few snip...

Thomas and Thomas Solicitors Ltd in Maesteg, Bridgend & Port Talbot: That's because hardly anyone is ever happy with how long it takes and there are always problems (most of which are outside the solicitor's control but still they get the blame). Remember that ampersands can't be used in web addresses so www.thomas& will...

The Law Partnership Ltd - Solicitors in Coventry: For our example (as the title suggests) we're going to use The Law Partnership. Plenty of experience there. But let's take two extremes to highlight this example. 'Divide the number of case types by the number of solicitors' is in no way a perfect rule. With much mo...

TWB Probate Solicitors Ltd - Estate Planning, Wills & Probate in London: There are a multitude of options in between. class="infoquote "... The official site is which is HTTPS secure for submitting your personal details on their contact form. class="infoquote "One does not simply rely on replies...

UVS Law Immigration & Visa Solicitor in Burton-on-Trent & London: However you need to be very careful when it comes to legal services as not only are there stories about people https: News fake-lawyers-how-do-i-know-my-solicitor-is-real 1308421615.html" pretending to be a lawyer< a> when they are not, there are al...

Walker Foster Ltd Solicitors in Skipton, Barnoldswick, Silsden, Settle, Ilkley, Northallerton & Harrogate: class="infoquote "We aim to provide valued and reliable legal services to generations both now and in the future."< div> This statement, also from their website, sounds great. If they have one, they will definitely mention it or have the CQS stamp displayed - us...

Waterstone Partnership Solicitors Ltd in Bradford: This can be incredibly useful because there are a lot of sneaky ways some firms can use to make it sound as if they have far more experience than they do. As some tend to pack their pages with nothing but sales pitches. So how old the firm's logo really doesn't help yo...

WH Law Ltd - Immigration Solicitors in Woking: You can see for WH their main lawyer Waleed Hassan has been practising law since 2011. The amount of expertise and experience is a huge factor in selecting a firm. The law and requirements are complex and they are always changing."< div> This second quote from the firm...

Wildcat Law Ltd Solicitors in London & Southampton: Always make sure you're on the correct site and never be afraid to call up the firm if you're unsure about anything. But a quick note on navigation. Today's article is on the legal firm Wildcat Law as there are a few things we can point out about this firm that might help y...

Wilford Smith Solicitors in Sheffield (Meadowhall) & Rotherham - WS Strategic Ltd: This one from the Wilford Smith site is very clear , indicating that they have been serving clients for over 40 years. So they could have 10x staff members with only 4 years of experience each. But according to our poll a few years back 92% of people preferred public ...

Wolf Law Solicitors Ltd in Wirral: We have seen some sites peg the firm in Birkenhead, Hoylake, Prenton, and Oxton. The majority of companies in any industry pay a content writer to fill their website pages. Always take care when viewing reviews of law firms though and read the actual comments. So the merits...

WYM Legal Ltd Conveyancing Solicitors in Watford: But 'leading' without stating what you are leading in or in what area - not so much. But 'leading' is one of those words that doesn't really give you a specific metric you can measure against another firm. You will see a large number of negative reviews as well. If you've ...

Law (aka All Law Ltd) Solicitors in Preston: The worst currently target property matters due to the large sums involved. The official site for this firm has a less usual ending to being and no other websites currently redirect you there. So it might be an idea to bookmark the site if you plan on coming b...

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